Monday, January 27, 2014

What's in your collection?..a peek inside my make-up drawers!!

My make-up collection isn't as huge as some peoples by any means (it could always be bigger!), but I do keep my stash in a three tiered storage container in the corner of my room for easy access. I actually don't even have all of it in there either lol..all of my lip products are in a separate carry bag which is full now, and then there is my "daily" face bag!! so maybe I have a bit of a problem. I did tell you I am a make-up junkie right?? so here goes.. Let me know if you want to see the daily face bag or my lippie bag :)
All of my bigger palettes, too faced, Tarte, Urban decay, Benefit..

This drawer is all face products, highlighters, blush, bronzer, cream products etc. The pink bag should be in another drawer but it did not fit, it holds all of my eyeliners

This entire plastic tub is full of all my loose shadows and mini palettes..there's a ton!


I have seen the question asked, what does make-up mean to you? For me that is a simple answer, creative expression; freedom. I love that there are no boundaries in make-up. As a photographer I am inspired literally by the world! I am drawn to light, texture, color, and shape. I merge my passion for photography and my love for make-up through taking inspiration from my work and creating looks :)

Glamourdolleyes: my first indie cosmetics experience

Glamourdolleyes is an amazing cosmetics company which creates loose shadows (pigments), blushes, nail polish, lip gloss, lid priming products, and a product known as "foil me" which just as the name states is used to foil or create that wet look with pigments.

I really became aware of Glamourdolleyes about the time that the bloggers collection was released through stumbling onto some swatch postings on Nymphettes blog. The shade created for her "Veteran" 100% sold me on needing Glamourdolleyes in my life!!
Having no prior experience with other indie brands or pigments in general I was not sure what to expect when I took the plunge and made my first order, but with so many loyal fans already lined up how could I not love them too right?
My very first order consisted of Dino Spotz (a great dupe of Mac blue brown pigment), Sex appeal, Soul sisters, and Morocco. Have you given indie brands a chance? you might be pleasantly surprised by what you find!